Nursing Home Abuse
The Garcia Law Firm
Nursing home abuse preys on the helpless. Nursing home abuse and neglect consists of bedsores, open wounds, cuts, bruises, dehydration, malnutrition, weight loss, burns, falls, bowel impactions, medication errors, poor personal hygiene, verbal or physical abuse, over-sedation and other cruelties.
Nursing Home Abuse Injury Must Be Stopped
People in nursing homes may not be able to speak for themselves or may be afraid to speak about their conditions or what they see and hear going on around them. Nursing home abuse is a crime against the sick, helpless and elderly.
With 1.6 million nursing home patients in 18,000 nursing homes in the United States, one wonders how widespread is the practice of nursing home abuse?
What Can You Do?
The first step is recognizing what nursing home abuse or neglect actually is. Do you have a loved one or friend whom you suspect has been neglected or abused? Do you need legal assistance?
Nursing Home Abuse Can Include:
• Assault & Battery• Sexual Assault
• Rape
• Unreasonable Physical Constraint
• Prolonged or continual deprivation of food or water.
• Use of physical, chemical restraint or medication not authorized by the doctor.
• Giving Too Much Medication
• Not Giving Needed Medication
• Unexplained Injuries
• Open Wounds, Cuts, Bruises Or Welts
• Elder reports of being slapped or mistreated.
• Slapping, Pushing, Shaking, Beating
Nursing Home Neglect Can Be Described As Failure To:
• Assist in personal hygiene.• Provide food, clothing or shelter.
• Provide medical care for physical and mental health needs.
• Protect from health and safety hazards.
• Prevent dehydration, malnutrition and bed sores.
• Provide clean conditions.
• Provide access to medical services.
In 1987, the Nursing Home Reform Act established basic rights and services for residents of nursing homes. These standards form the basis for present efforts to improve the quality of nursing care and the quality of life for nursing home residents.
The extent to which the Nursing Home Reform Act succeeds in actually improving nursing homes depends on the effectiveness of its enforcement.
Contact us to find out if you have a Nursing Home Abuse case.