Worker's Compensation
The Garcia Law Firm
An on the job injury could mean disaster for any worker struggling to take care of their family. What many workers fail to realize is that, if they are injured while working, their employer is required to take care of all of their medical and rehabilitative expenses. A blue-collar worker that is the only breadwinner for his family would have a very difficult time providing for his or her family should an accident occur that might temporarily or permanently disable him or her, so worker’s compensation seeks to provide well-deserved damage benefits to those that need it.
The only way for you to determine eligibility is to file a claim immediately if you are injured on the job. There should be no delay and you must notify your employer that you have been injured. If the injury is serious or life-threatening, by all means, seek medical attention first and worry about your worker’s compensation claim later! Unfortunately, some employers may deny a worker’s compensation claim, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t still be eligible for the benefits you deserve. A New York workers compensation lawyer can help you to determine what you should do.
Many injured workers just accept the fact that their claim has been denied because they feel that they might not be able to afford a New York workers compensation lawyer. You shouldn’t feel this way. Most New York workers compensation lawyer firms will listen to your case first and then decide if they want to take it on. If they do take it on, you don’t have to pay them any money up front. They are paid when you win your case. The payment for your New York workers compensation lawyer actually doesn’t even come from the monies that you are awarded, the other party (usually your employer) will be required to pay for any attorney’s fees that are incurred during the course of your trial.
If you have been denied worker’s compensation benefits but feel that there has either been an error, or that you have been wronged, you should consult with a New York workers compensation lawyer. If you are in the process of filing a claim but are uncertain about answering some of the questions, your lawyer can help. In the event that you have filed a claim and are asked to provide more documentation, answer truthfully. If you are denied a claim, but cannot afford your medical bills and feel that they shouldn’t be your responsibility, see the counsel of a lawyer immediately. Be certain that the lawyer you choose has experience with worker’s compensation cases and has tried and won other cases in the past. The best compensation is health, and if you feel that there could be potentially dangerous situations on your job site, you should notify your employer to avoid a potentially dangerous situation, but should an accident occur, seek immediate medical help and file a claim as soon as you can.